Dromio of Syracuse in Comedy of Errors with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Tyrell in Richard III with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Young Lucius in Titus Andronicus with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Peter, Ceres, Lear, 3rd Citizen, and Edmund in Unscene with Blood & Courage

Peaseblossom in A Midsummer Night's Dream with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Lancelot Gobbo in The Merchant of Venice with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Lucy in Mr. Marmalade with Stillpointe Theatre Initiative.

Bianca in Taming of the Shrew with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Fernelle Millmore in The Gift of Forgotten Tongues with Venus Theatre Co.

Emily Webb in Our Town with Chesapeake Shakespeare Co.

Sarah Gardner in Following Sarah with Venus Theatre Co.

Devon Tramore in Devil Dog Six with Venus Theatre Co.